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Be Part of the Solution!
Thank you for expressing an interest in improving the quality of waterways in Louisville Metro! Although we sometimes take it for granted, the conditions of our streams, creeks, and the Ohio River impact our quality of life in many ways. When it rains, storm water carries pollutants to catch basins and drainage ditches which then flow to our creeks or the Ohio River. Sometimes these facilities are located on our property. These facilities provide a direct link to the waterways in Jefferson County. When you leave pet waste in your yard, when you drop litter on the street, or when you place chemicals on your yard prior to a rain storm it is the same as depositing those materials directly in the creek. Also, when it rains, sump pumps, washing machines, and dishwashers fill sanitary sewers and contribute to sewer overflows. When these overflows occur, streams become loaded with pollutants that can cause sickness with human contact.
Your Community

Things we do in our everyday life effect the environment around us. There are simple things that you can do in your community to help prevent sewer overflows and keep our waterways clean.
At Home and Garden

Many of our everyday activities have an impact on the water quality in Louisville. Decisions that we make around our home and in our yards can make a difference in the chances that waterways stay clean.

If you own or manage a commercial or industrial entity in Louisville Metro, these tips are for you!
Fats, Oils and Grease

When put down the drain, fats, oils and grease wash into our sewer system and can cause major problems. Anything that is solid at room temperature will also be solid in the sewer. When FOG collects in sewer pipes, the pipe can clog and can lead to basement backups and sewer overflows. Project WIN has the following resources that outline best management practices for waste water and storm water discharges.

Learn more about water quality in the Louisville area. Browse through lesson plans, suggested activities and lots more. We work with all ages including adults.